Welcome Message
Why should one study Machine Learning?
Before we begin... Let us commit our learning goal
What topics will be covered in this course?
Books for developing multidimensional Machine Learning Skills.
My Reading List
Algorithmic vs Machine Learning Approach
When to use Machine Learning based approach
Types of Machine Learning
Data Analysis and Data Visualization (Data Types)
Undersatnding data through descriptive statistics
Data Visualization
Bias and Variance Tradeoff
Linear Regression : Introduction 7 Key Points to remember
Linear Regression-II : Statistical Background
Estimating Parameters for Simple Linear Regression through Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method
Evaluating Simple Linear Regression Model
SLR using Gradient Descent Algorithm
Multiple Linear Regression-I
Multiple Linear Regression-OLS Example
Multiple Linear Regression-Gradient Descent Algorithm
Linear Regression :Assumptions
Data Preprocessing: Feature Scaling
Data Pre-Processing: Handling Categorical Data
Classification Introduction
Conditional Mean and Sigmoid Function
Estimating Parameters: Logistic Regression
Logistic Regresssion Gradient Descent Algorithm
Logistic Regression: Evaluating Model
Linear Discriminant Analysis
Multivariate LDA and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
K-Nearest Neighbour and Naive Baye's Classifiers.
Model Selection : Introduction
Ridge and Lasso Regression
Principal Component Analysis or Dimension Reduction
Exploratory Data Analysis -I
Exploratory Data Analysis Part-II Querying a Data Frame
Exploratory Data Analysis Part-III (Data Visualization)
Simple Linear Regression : Lab Activity
Simple Linear Regression using Gradient Descent and Scikit-Learn
Implementing Multiple Linear Regression using Matrix operation, OLS and Gradient Descent
Data Pre-Processing Lab
Logistic Regression Lab
Linear Discriminant Analysis Lab
PCA Lab 1
PCA Lab 2